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Enhancing my life through technology

25 October 2020
Lights, Camera, Action!
24 November 2020

MyC5Life is partnering with HabITec to drive forward solutions to the everyday challenges faced when living with a high level spinal cord injury.

Through HabITec I have accessed industrial designers at the Advanced Design Prototyping Technologies ADAPT at Griffith University for a better way of emptying the drainage bag on my wheelchair. I am also putting forward my experiences in accessing digital health services to the Citizen Challenge Program with the aim to increase my access to a full range of rehabilitation support and my General Practitioner in a more seamless environment.

I’m really looking forward seeing how existing technology can be adapted or changed to meet my needs at the Citizen Challenge and I'm excited to be able to co-design solutions with local technology company Conpago, rehabilitation practitioners from Princess Alexandra Hospital and researchers from HabITec.

"Watch this space”

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